Sprite Fight 2002 is the sequel to the popular Sprite Fight 2000. It is a high speed action arcade game for the Macintosh/Power Macintosh/Compatible computers. If you have ever looked with jealousy to those with Nintendo and Sega machines with their excellent combat-style games, then this is the game for you! Not only does Sprite Fight 2002 provide you with high speed, blood-soaked hours of violent game play, but its new Point-and-Kill interface makes it easier than ever to enjoy the miracles of modern technology which allow games like this to exist! But perhaps the best part about the game is the ease with which you can create your very own Sprite Warriors! Unlike other popular games which hide their graphics and sounds by compiling or compressing them, Sprite Fight 2002 makes it easy for anybody with a Mac drawing program and a copy of Apple's ResEdit to make their own game characters, as the character files are comprised of totally editable sound and graphic resources!
In Sprite Fight 2002, there can be either 1, 2, or 0 players! ( Human vs. Computer, Human vs. Human, Computer vs. Computer) The object of the game is to control your character and defeat the enemy character during a round of combat,
using an assortment of offensive and defensive moves. Tournament Combat mode allows a single player to embark on a bloody rampage, battling opponent after opponent, until he/she is dead, or until enough opponents are beaten to qualify for the Tournament Break Out. New to Sprite Fight 2002 is the availability of several fatalities and secret codes for extra features such as background animation, foreground animation, and special character abilities! The specifics of the game are discussed below.
Sprite Fight 2002 is different than most any other game available for the Macintosh. First of all, it is fast. Screaming fast. It was programmed using extremely high speed sprite animation techniques (specifically, the SpriteWorld 1.0b4
Library by Tony Myles). On top of that, it was accelerated to take advantage of Power Macintosh
computers with the PowerPC processor. In addition, the color graphics are smooth and highly detailed.
But the game doesn't just stop with lightning fast and smooth graphics. It also has multi-channel sound, built-in QuickTime video[1], as well as computer-synthesized speech[2]!!! It's a true multimedia blitzkrieg!
[1] You will need QuickTime™ installed for this feature to work
[2] You will need Speech Manager installed for this feature to work
What is Included
In addition to the Sprite Fight 2002 application, some other files are included:
- Cam Thahn: this is a Combat Zone file included with the upload. Others will be available online,
and more will be released in the future by ourselves and any others who wish to make and distribute them.
- Lein Square: a Combat Zone reminiscent of the original Sprite Fight 2000
- XTerminator: this is one of at least two Sprite files included with the initial upload. Again, others will be
available online, and more will be released in the future by ourselves and any others who wish to make and
distribute them.
- Jaysen: this the second of at least two Sprite files included with the initial upload.
- Backgound Stories for Characters
- The Instruction Manual - but obviously, you already figured that one out.
For those that downloaded the Sprite Fight 2002 Mega Bundle, you also get:
- Hell's Gates: a hellish Combat Zone
- Lunar Combat ][: an extra-terrestrial Combat Zone
- New South Bronx: this Combat Zone shows what became of New York during the SPRITE wars (those of you familiar with the Sprite Fight storyline will understand)
- Overlook: this Combat Zone is high above a metropolitan area
- Tai Shan: yet another awesome Combat Zone
- Mojo Rizen: a four-armed Sprite Warrior and former NCAA basketball star! Kool.
- Chi Fu: a martial artist Sprite Warrior and descendent of Shao Lin monks
- Waffraka: Waffraka is a Sprite Warrior from the original Sprite FIght 2000 game (the guy in the Instructions menu) who is back this time ready for Combat. He is also in the Instructions menu this time around as well.
- Muhammed Al Akbar Jihaz: This is the evil leader of the Jihaz Mutant armies. He is a most difficult opponent!
System Requirements
- Mac II or better, Accelerated for Power Macintosh
- 13" Monitor or larger (640x480 pixel display or bigger)
- System 7.0 or higher
- Sound Manager 3.0 or higher
- 6 MB free RAM (devoted to game, virtual memory NOT recommended if you are low on RAM)
- Approximately 10 MB free disk space
Recommended System
- Quadra / Power Mac
- 10+ MB RAM installed (not including virtual memory)
- QuickTime 2.0 or later
- Speech Manager
Additional features will magically appear if you have any or all of the following system extensions installed:
- QuickTime™
- Speech Manager
If your Mac is missing some or all of these system extensions, they are available free for downloading
from Apple via ftp, or from various online sites such as AOL.
How to Play
The rules to Sprite Fight 2002 are quite simple: anihilate your opponent as fast as possible, and you win!
If you kill your opponent (as opposed to just beating them up until time runs out) you can also execute one of several fatalities! (Registerd users only)
But there is a bit more to it than that, which will now be discussed.
The Sprite Warriors
The various characters that you can control while playing SF2K are each stored in their own separate files, referred to as Sprite Files from here on. In addition to Sprite Files, there is another file type utilized by Sprite Fight 2002: Combat Zone files. The Combat Zone files each store a unique combat location in which combat for a specific round of battle is waged as well as the background music.
There are two basic playing modes: single-round (Mano a Mano) and Tournament combat. In single-round combat, player 1 (either human or computer controlled) fights against player 2 (either human or computer controlled) for one round. The winner is whoever kills the enemy first, or whoever has the most energy after the time expires. In tournament mode, player 1 will be human controlled, and fights against the computer as player 2 for as many rounds as player 1 can survive. If player 1 defeats enough opponents, he/she will get to participate in the "Tournament Breakout".
Single Round Combat
To play a single round of combat, first decide if a human or the computer will be controlling players 1 & 2.
The default setting is for player 1 to be human controlled and player 2 to be computer controlled, but you
can alter these by chosing the appropriate selection in the Options menu of the game menu. Also, you can adjust
the game speed via the Adjust Speed sub-menu in the Options game menu. The default setting is in the "Medium" setting range.
Finally, you will need to select the "Mano a Mano" combat item, via the File menu of the game menu bar:
1) Player 1 Sprite File (files have icons resembling a suitcase w/ a guy's head on the front)
2) Player 2 Sprite File
3) Combat Zone File for the combat zone in which you want to fight
Once that is done, you will begin combat.
Tournament Combat
To fight in tournament mode, only player 1 gets to participate; player 2 is automatically computer controlled.
First, select Tournament Combat fron the File menu. Then just follow the instructions that will be shown.
OK, now here are the various moves that are available in the game and what they do:
- Move left; self explanatory
- Move right; self explanatory
- Duck; self explanatory - useful for avoiding attacks, and mandatory for performing an uppercut
- Jump; self explanatory - you jump farther the faster you are moving
- Punch; self explanatory - a medium damage attack
- Kick; self explanatory - a medium damage attack
- Flying attack; self explanatory - a low damage attack
- Shoot projectile; self explanatory - only one projectile per sprite may be fired at a time - a low damage attack
- Jump-punch; you can punch anytime you are airborne now - a low damage attack
- Jump-kick; you can kick anytime you are airborne now -a low damage attack
- Jump-shoot; you can also shoot a projectile while airborne - a low damage attack
- Block; avoid taking any damage when getting hit
- Taunt; A new move - if you are below 100% health, start taunting and you will soon beging regaining health!
- Uppercut; a new attack which can only be done from a ducking position; the most damaging attack
Control Keys
When player 1 is human controlled, these are the keys that control that sprite:
- Move left = control key
- Move right = command (apple) key
- Duck = option key
- Jump = shift key
- Punch = Z key
- Kick = X key
- Flying attack = C
- Shoot projectile = D key
- Jump-punch = jump + punch keys
- Jump-kick = jump + kick keys
- Jump-shoot = jump + shoot keys
- Block = space bar key
- Taunt = S key
- Uppercut =duck + A keys
When player 2 is human controlled, these are the keys that control that sprite:
- Move left = left arrow key
- Move right = right arrow key
- Duck = down arrow key
- Jump = up arrow key
- Punch = Number pad 1 key
- Kick = Number pad 2 key
- Flying attack = Number pad 3 key
- Shoot projectile = Number pad 6 key
- Jump-punch = jump + punch keys
- Jump-kick = jump + kick keys
- Jump-shoot = jump + shoot keys
- Block = Number pad 0 key
- Taunt = Number pad 5 key
- Uppercut =duck + Number pad 4 keys
While fighting, you will notice that a timer in the upper left hand of the game window shows the time
remaining in the current round. Also, damage bars for player 1 and 2 sprites are shown in the upper
left and right hand corners of the window, respectively, as each sprite accumulates damage.
If you wish to end the fighting early, press the 'Delete' key during combat to exit early.
Should you come across an old-style Pong game, just use the mouse to control your paddle...
What about the Fatalities and Secret Codes?!?!?!
There are a number of fatalities and secret codes which can be executed in Sprite Fight 2002. However, they are only available when you register your copy of Sprite Fight 2002. If your copy of the game is UNREGISTERED, you will see a registration alert pop up every time you start up the game. For information on how to get your registration code, see the Registration section below.
Strategy Tips
-You can run and jump at the same time; the faster you run, the farther you will jump
-Blocking will completely protect you from accumulating damage, but you will still be pushed backwards
when hit.
-A sprite can absorb only a certain fixed amount of damage before dying; however, since you have only
the damage bar to guage the sprite damage, it can be tricky to tell exactly how much more damage you can
accumulate before dying; therefor, it is best to try not to get hit!
- Projectiles will occasionally backfire, so watch out!
Other Important Stuff
Sprite Fight 2002 is available as shareware, and you are free to copy and distribute UNREGISTERED copies of this software to other people, BBSs, on-line systems, or internet sites, provided you include all files included in the original release of this program, including this document.
Sprite Fight 2002 is shareware. For those of you unfamiliar with the shareware concept, allow me to explain.
My brother and I worked our butts off for several months putting together this game. Because we think that there are some other Mac gamers out there who might enjoy playing this game, we have uploaded it to various online areas for others to download. In its downloaded state (UNREGISTERED), there are certain features that are disabled, namely the fatalities and various secret codes. You are allowed to play the game all you want for free. However, if you want to use the fatalities and secret codes, you need to pay the shareware fee and register with us.
Here is what you need to do to register the game:
Send $5 US (cash or check is OK) to:
Stefan & John Sinclair
1318 Three Pines Ct
Lincoln, NE 68510
We will also need a note with your e-mail address (to which we will send the registration code) as well as the exact model of Macintosh / compatible computer on which you play the game, because the registration code we send will only work for that type of computer! We will NOT send the registration information via postal mail, so be sure to include your e-mail address. Also, please type your note or print legibly. If we cannot read it because of sloppy handwriting, you are obviously not going to hear back from us. When you register, we will also send you a complete list of the secret codes and key-combinations for the fatalities, as well as a guide to creating your own Sprite Warriors and Combat Zones for Sprite Fight 2002! What a bargain!
We can be reached at:
e-mail: trickyS@ix.netcom.com
WWW: http://users.aol.com/trickys/trickys.html
Even if you hate this game, have a bug report (gasp!), or if you have any questions about it, you are
encouraged to contact us at one of the above e-mail addresses.
Sprite Fight 2002 was created using the following hardware and software:
- Apple Power Macintosh 6100/66
- Apple Macintosh LCII
- Symantec C/C++, version 7 used for 68030/68040 Macintosh code development
- Symantec C/C++, version 8.0.4 w/ MrC compiler for PowerPC code development
- Red Baron Pizza
- SpriteWorld 1.0b4, by Tony Myles
- Deneba's Canvas, version 3.0 & 3.5, for graphics & QuickTime™ movies
- Massive doses of Sunny Delight
- Apple's ResEdit 2.1.3
- Apple's MoviePlayer 2.0
- Apple's MacsBug 6.5.2
Llllleeeettt's get ready to RRrrruummbbllee!!!!!!!!!!!